Eating Patterns that Cause Gastritis

Eating Patterns that Cause Gastritis

According to Farida Yayuk Baliwati (2004), the occurrence of gastritis can be caused by bad diet and irregular, the frequency of meals, type and amount of food, so that the stomach becomes sensitive when stomach acid to rise.

1. Frequency of Eating
Frequency of eating is the number of daily feeding in both qualitative and quantitative. Processed foods naturally in the body through the digestive tools from the mouth to the small intestine. Old food in the stomach depends on the nature and type of food. If on average, usually between 3-4 hours empty stomach. This feeding schedule was then fit to empty the stomach (Okviani, 2011).
People who have irregular eating patterns susceptible to disease gastritis. At the time of the stomach should be filled, but left empty, or delayed filling, sour stomach will digest the mucosal lining of the stomach, causing pain (Ester, 2001).

Naturally, the stomach will continue to produce acid in the stomach every time a small amount, after 4-6 hours after meal blood glucose levels usually have much absorbed and used up, so the body will feel hungry and when it is stimulated gastric acid number. If someone is late to eat up to 2-3 hours, then the stomach acid produced and over-the more so that it can irritate the gastric mucosa and cause pain around the epigastrium (Baliwati, 2004).

Irregular eating habits will make it difficult to adapt to the stomach. If it is prolonged, excessive production of stomach acid so it can be irritating to the mucosal lining of the stomach and may progress to peptic ulcer. This can cause intense pain and nausea. These symptoms can go up into the esophagus causing a burning sensation burning (Nadesul, 2005). Gastric acid production is affected by the regulation include cephalic, the setting up by the brain. The presence of food in the mouth will reflexively stimulate gastric acid secretion. In humans, seeing and thinking about food can stimulate gastric acid secretion (Ganong 2001).

2. Type of Food
Type of food is a variation of a food that if eaten, digested, and absorbed at least the arrangement will result in a healthy and balanced menu. Provides a variety of foods depends on the person, certain foods can cause indigestion, as well as spicy foods (Okviani, 2011).

Consuming excessive spicy foods, will stimulate the digestive system, especially the stomach and intestines to contract. This will cause a burning sensation and pain in the gut is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. The symptoms are making people increasingly reduced appetite. When the habit of eating spicy food more than once a week for at least 6 months left to constantly irritate the stomach known as gastritis (Okviani, 2011).

Gastritis can be caused also from the foods that do not match. Certain foods that can cause gastritis, such as raw fruit, raw meat, curry, and food containing cream or butter. Not that the food is not digested, but because the stomach takes longer to digest food gets forward earlier and slow The rest of his intestines. As a result, the stomach contents and gastric acid stay in your stomach for a long time before passing into the duodenum and spent acid causes a burning sensation in the pit of the stomach and can irritate (Iskandar, 2009).

3. The Portion or Amount of Food
The portion or amount of food, as well as the dose is a measure of food consumed at each meal. Everyone must eat foods in the correct amount of fuel for all the needs of the body. If excessive food consumption, the excess will be stored in the body and cause obesity (overweight). In addition, food in large portions may lead to reflux of stomach contents, which in turn makes the power of the stomach wall decreased. Such conditions can lead to inflammation or injury to the stomach (Baliwati, 2004).

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