Definition of Hypothermia
Definition of hypothermia in newborns According to the Practical Handbook for Maternal and Neonatal Health Care (2002: M-122) "Hypothermia in newborns is a body temperature below 36.5 ° C measurement is made in the armpit for 3-5 minutes ".
Hypothermia baby is a baby's body temperature below normal (less than 36.5 0C). Hypothermia is one of the most common cause of death of the newborn, especially weighing less than 2.5 Kg.
Hypothermia can cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar levels), metabolic acidosis (high blood acidity) and death. Because the body quickly uses energy to keep warm, so that when the baby cold requires more oxygen. Therefore, hypothermia can lead to reduced flow of oxygen to the tissues.
Types of Hypothermia
Several types of hypothermia, namely:
- Accidental hypothermia occurs when core body temperature dropped to less than 35 ° C.
- Primary accidental hypothermia is a result of direct exposure to cold air, and previously healthy.
- Secondary accidental hypothermia is a complication of systemic disorders (whole body) are serious. Most occurrence in winter (snow) and cold climate.
Symptoms of Hypothermia
- Baby's feet and hands felt colder than the chest.
- Reduced activity.
- Weak sucking ability.
- Weak cries.
- Fingers and feet bluish.
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