Every normal human being has a sensory organ, the organ of smell, hearing, taste, and sight. These organs are not uncommon or even very prone to crash, resulting in impaired sensory perception on the sufferer.
The nose is one of the sensory organ that functions as an organ of smell. If the nose was down, it will affect multiple body systems, such as breathing and smelling.
One of the disorders of the nose is nasal polyps. Nasal polyps are sessile soft mass in the nasal cavity caused by mucosal inflammation. Its surface is smooth, greyish white and somewhat translucent because it contains a lot of liquid. The shape can be round or oval, single or multiple, unilateral or bilateral.
Polyps can arise in people with both men and women, from the age of the children to the elderly. If there are polyps in children under 2 years of age, should be excluded the possibility meningocele, or meningoencephalocele.
Nasal polyps were more common in patients with non-allergic asthma (13%) compared to patients with allergic asthma (5%). Nasal polyps mainly found in adulthood and is more common in men, where the ratio between men and women 2:1 or 3:1.
Nasal polyps are masses of soft, white or grayish contained in the nasal cavity. Most often originate from the ethmoid sinus, multiple, and bilateral. Usually in adults. In children may be a symptom of cystic fibrosis.
Nasal polyps are soft mass, which stemmed in the nasal cavity caused by mucosal inflammation. Its surface is smooth, greyish white and somewhat translucent because it contains a lot of liquid. The shape can be round or oval, single or multiple, unilateral or bilateral. (Anonymous, 2010).
Occurs due to hypersensitivity reactions or allergic reaction in the nasal mucosa. Polyps can arise in people with both men and women, from the age of the children to the elderly. If there are polyps in children under 2 years of age, should be excluded the possibility of meningocele or meningoencephalocele.
Once thought to predispose to the onset of nasal polyps is a disease of allergic rhinitis or atopy, but more and more studies that do not support this theory and experts to date suggests that the etiology of nasal polyps is not known with certainty.
Polyps are caused by an allergic reaction or an inflammatory reaction. Stemmed shape, does not contain blood vessels. In nasal polyps can grow a lot, especially if the origin of the ethmoid sinuses. When the origin of the maxillary sinus, the polyps that grow only one, and are facing the nostril into the nasopharynx (turbinate). This situation is called turbinate polyps. Turbinate polyps usually larger than nasal polyps. Polyps were to be removed, because if not, as complications can occur sinusitis. Polyps that can grow a lot, so sometimes people seem enlarged nose, and if its spread is not treated after polyps removed, it can grow back. Therefore do not be tired of seeing, because often one surgery for polyp repeated bargaining.
Which may be a predisposing factor occurs polyps include:
a) Allergies, especially allergic rhinitis.
b) Chronic sinusitis.
c) Irritation.
d) Nasal obstruction by anatomical abnormalities such as septal deviation and turbinate hypertrophy.
Clinical Manifestations
The main symptoms caused by nasal polyps are nasal congestion. This blockage is not intermittent, and progressively advancing. In the great obstruction can cause symptoms of hyposmia even anosmia. If polyps are increasingly clogging the paranasal sinuses, sinusitis will arise with symptoms of headache and rhinorrhea. If the cause is allergies, then the main symptoms are sneezing and nasal irritation.
Persistent nasal obstruction, rhinorrhea and heavier. Blockage can occur hyposmia or anosmia. When the clog ostium, can occur purulent sinusitis with nasal mucus. Because due to allergies, the main symptoms are sneezing and nasal irritation.
On clinical examination a mass appears grayish white or reddish yellow in the nasal cavity. Sessile polyps so easily moved, soft consistency, not painful when pressed, easy bleeding, and did not shrink in the use of vasoconstrictor.
Data Analysis
1. Data
- Subjective Data: decreased appetite.
- Objective Data: weight loss, not eating out.
- Polyp
- Decrease the sense of smell
- Impaired sensory perception : olfactory
2. Data:
- Subjective Data: client felt there was a blockage in the nose.
- Objective Data: Respiration 24 x / minute, irregular breathing patterns, reflecting the ventilator inspiratory muscles, the additional breathing (Ronchi).
- There are masses
- Flow / drainage of secretions retained
- Nasal congestion
- Ineffective airway clearance
3. Data
- Subjective Data: client feel weak, appetite down.
- Objective Data: slim, body weight decreased (from 65 kg to 61 kg), albumin less than 3.2, Hb less than 11 hair look red at kids, thin subcutaneous layer.
- Nasal congestion
- Impaired olfactory
- Decreased appetite
- Imbalanced nutrition less than body requirements
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