Ineffective Individual Coping related to Bulimia Nervosa

Ineffective Individual Coping related to Bulimia Nervosa

Nursing Care Plan for Bulimia Nervosa

Bulimia nervosa is a disorder in eating habits. Eating disorders are a psychiatric syndrome that is characterized by eating patterns associated with aberrant psychological characteristics associated with eating, body shape and weight. eating disorders occur due to several reasons in eating behavior, such as consumption of less healthy foods or eating too much.

Bulimia nervosa is a feast of food, followed by washing stomach or vomiting. Eating disorders usually occur together with other diseases such as depression, being part of a violent, and anxiety disorders. In this case, people who suffer from eating disorders can experience physical health complications further, including the problem of the working conditions of liver and kidney failure, which can lead to death. Many people with bulimia have a normal weight and seem to be no significant problems in life. Their regular people who look healthy, successful in his field, and tend ferfeksionis. However, behind it, have low self-esteem and often depressed.

Nursing Diagnosis : Ineffective individual coping

Goal: ineffectiveness of individual coping can be met.

Expected outcomes:

  • Identify methods that are not associated with less food in the face of stress or crisis.

  • Expressed feelings of guilt, anxiety, anger, or excessive need for control.

  • Shows a more satisfying interpersonal relationships.

  • Revealed more realistic body image.

  • Addressing an alternative method of dealing with stress or crisis.

  • Revealed an increase in self-esteem and confidence.

Interventions :
  • Assess client's eating habits.

  • Encourage clients to eat with other clients or their families, if tolerated.

  • Encourage clients to express their feelings (anxiety and guilt about eating).

  • Encourage clients to keep a diary to write down the type and amount of food eaten, identify feelings experienced before and after eating, especially about excessive eating behavior and depletion.

  • Discuss the client's preferred food and reduce anxiety.

  • Help clients explore ways to overcome the emotions (anger, anxiety, and frustration).

  • Give positive feedback to the client.

  • Teach client about the use of problem-solving process.

  • Exploration with the client about personal power.

  • Discuss with the client about the idea of receiving underweight "ideal".

  • Encourage clients to express their feelings, about the family members and those closest, role and relationship with them.

Rationale :
  • Preventing overeating behavior that includes eating secretly and swallow food, helps clients quickly and return to normal diet (three times daily).

  • Prevent secrecy about eating, though at first anxiety, the client may be too high to join the meal together.

  • Helps reduce feelings verbally can reduce anxiety and reducing the depletion of food behaviors.

  • Helping clients examine food intake and feelings they experienced.

  • Helping clients looking at using food to cope with feelings or make it comfortable.

  • Helping clients to separate emotional issues of food and eating behavior.

  • Increase efforts to clients in the face of anxiety, anger, and other emotions honestly and openly.

  • Helps clients improve self-esteem and confidence of clients.

  • Helping clients find strength.

  • Change the client's perception of ideal body weight may be unrealistic and unhealthy.

  • Helping clients identify, accept, and cope with their feelings in a proper way.

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